3 Secrets to Unlock
Your Strength

Transform Your Body, Preserve Joint Integrity, and Achieve Lasting Weight Management!

Learn to maintain a healthy weight, feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. Visualise yourself moving with ease, experiencing the freedom and joy of pain-free joints. 

Rashi Chouhan

Hi, I am Strength Trainer Coach

Hi, I'm Rashi, a mother of two grown up children.A firm believer in the power of health, culinary creativity, and the transformative experiences that travel brings. I am on a mission to Empower and Inspire Women to get Physically fit and mentally strong with correct forms and techniques of exercising.

My vision is to
Be the change as:

  • Every Woman deserves to be Fit

  • Every Mother deserves Self-care

  • Every Family deserves a Healthy Mother

My Mission

Empower & Inspire
Empower &

To help women maintain a healthy weight, improve body composition, and enhance joint health. So they move with confidence, reduce the risk of injury, and enjoy optimal physical well-being.

My Expertise

Strength Training Specialist
Strength Training Specialist

Over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. I have witnessed the transformative power of strength training. It goes beyond physical change; it not only improves our bodies but also empowers us in all aspects of life.

My Community

Fit 2 Lift Health Tribe
Fit2Lift Health

A vibrant community where we lift each other up, conquer challenges together, and celebrate the strength and resilience that comes with different stages of life.

What I offer for your GOOD HEALTH

The Top 3 Secrets

Secret 1

Strength Training for Transformation

 Build strength and transform your body through targeted exercises and correct techniques .This helps to stay strong, mobile, and capable of performing daily tasks independently.

Step 1
Step 2

Secret 2

Joint-Friendly Fitness

Osteoporosis, a condition where bones become weak and prone to fractures. But when ,Exercises with modified movements, proper form that protect your joints while still providing an effective workout. ensuring long-term joint health and mobility.

Secret 3 

Healthy Weight Maintenance

Metabolism tends to slow down as we age, making weight management more challenging. Strength training can help by increasing muscle mass. 

and maintaining a healthy weight through balanced nutrition, portion control, and mindful lifestyle habits.

Step 3

Discover the 3 Secrets to Weight Management and Strong Joints:

A Game-Changing Webinar with a Top Strength Trainer Specialist .

Fit2lift with Rashi

Is My tribe my Vibe!!! We here Engage with members, provide guidance, and celebrate their achievements to create a vibrant and supportive community that members are proud to be a part of.

Simple Process to Get Start

Silver Membership

Silver Membership

  • 3 Month LIVE Workout Coaching

  • Customized Diet plan

    BLUEPRINT Course

  • Lifetime Access

  • Private Community Lifetime Access

  •  Weekly Inner Circle Call + Recordings Lifetime Access

Lifetime Membership


Gold Membership

Gold Membership

  • Everything in SILVER +

  • Advanced Certification

  • Tools & Templates

  • Tactical Knowledge

  • 180-Day Challenge

  • Support Forum

Lifetime Membership


Diamond Membership

Diamond Membership

  • 7 Advanced Courses

  • Everything in SILVER + GOLD

  • Weekly Audits

  • Accountability System

  • Gamification Points

  • Annual Certification

  • Priority Support

Annual Subscription


Trusted By Thousands of Happy Customers

We have various membership levels to cater to your needs. Attend my next webinar to learn more

Since 2003 you have been more than a fitness instructor to me, you've also been a great motivator.

When I had knee replacement surgery

Coming back to your classes after my break feels like coming home. I know I am in good hands with you, and I know you will help me reach my goal of being fit and strong till the longest time!

With you as my trainer , I am confident that I will lead a healthy life.😊

Poonam Goel

Hi Rashi your classes are a path for me towards fitness, after a good workout with you i feel energized & motivated to keep going.

Thanks for the techniques you've taught me, that have made a tremendous impact on my life.

Thank you .

Tanvi Arora

Well structured classes where the exercises gradually increased in their severity. 

Each session left me with pride for not only completing the session successfully but scaling a new endurance limit for myself.

Happy that I could also improve my flexibility. The greater challenge is now to continue.......

Shashi Saxena

It was Rashi who with her vast knowledge of the subject made me believe in the science of quantifying eating and importance of strength training to aid not only weight loss but make you fit, strong and agile.Her motto of being consistent has brought about the change in my attitude towards fitness.

Mini Vhatkar

Let's Connect on..

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